Artiest: John Goss & the Cathedral Male Voice Quartet
Auteur: traditional
Label: His Master's Voice
Jaar: 1928
En in 1929 ook als Johnny Comes Down To Hilo. Roud #481. Mid-19de-eeuwse sea shanty, dan weer over zeereizen naar Ilo (Peru) om nitriet op te halen, elders over Hilo (Hawaï) om missionarissen te gaan afzetten.
Sam Eskin [als Johnny Comes Down To Hilo op lp Sea Shanties And Loggers' Songs (zie ook: Clear The Track, Let The Bullgine Roll)]
Paul Clayton [als Johnny's Gone To Hilo]
Pete Seeger [als Johnny Comes Down To Hilo]
Cyril Tawney [Peter Kennedy-opname]
Peggy Seeger & A.L. Lloyd [in film Whaler Out Of New Bedford]
A.L. Lloyd & Ewan MacColl [op lp A Sailor's Garland]
Oscar Brand [als Johnny Comes Down To Hilo]
Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem [als Johnny's Gone To Hilo]
Kate & Anna McGarrigle, Rufus & Martha Wainwright, Lily Lanken & Chaim Tannenbaum [als Johnny's Gone To Hilo op The McGarrigle Hour]
Jon Boden [de McGarrigle-versie]
Gavin Friday & Shannon McNally [op Son Of Rogues Gallery]
Jake Xerxes Fussell [als Gone To Hilo]
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Arnold Rypens
Rozenlaan 65
B-2840 Reet (Rumst)