Artist: James F. Harrison
Author: Charles C. Converse/Joseph Scriven
Label: Edison cylinder
Year: 1898
Scriven wrote this hymn in 1857 in Canada to console his mother, left behind in Ireland. As he kept the poem secret, he didn't got credits until after its first publication in Ira D. Sankey's Gospel Hymns Number One collection. During World War I, Converse's tune was linked to the words When This Bloody War Is Over.
J.J. Fisher [also for Edison]
Elvis Presley [in documentary This Is Elvis]
Alan Price [melody in Changes]
Norbert Detaeye [as When This Blasted War Is Over, anonymous 'new' lyrics from WW I]
Also by Ernest Tubb, Merle Haggard, Bobby Helms, Stonewall Jackson and The Winans.
If you noticed blunt omissions, mis-interpretations or even out-and-out errors,
please let me know:
Arnold Rypens
Rozenlaan 65
B-2840 Reet (Rumst)